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Frank Talk


By BISI FAYEMI Kumolu managed to move away from all the pushing and shoving, clutching the bag of Semolina and small bag of salt she had managed to catch from the moving truck. She felt very lucky to have something, she knew that most of…

We, the permanently disenfranchised

STEVE NWOSU Until a friend of mine posted the photograph (on this page) on her Facebook wall last Friday, I had resolved to stop sounding like a cracked vinyl disc over my PVC nightmare, even with the general elections kicking off this…

George Orwell on my mind

Steve Nwosu For a change, I have decided to steer off the in-fighting in APC, the saboteurs of the PDP, the malaria-induced optimism of some of the smaller parties and the fact that the president is just setting up a presidential…

Monkey tales from Bauchi

Xpress Lane (Backpage) The first thing that came to the minds of many of my Lagos friends, when I told them I was going to Bauchi was Boko Haram. I did not help my case much when I informed them that I could not get a seat on a direct…

A dream comes true

Sifting through my documents a few days ago, in the vain hope of finding my missing school certificates –  yes, like President  Muhammadu Buhari, I actually can’t find most of my certificates. In the course of the several armed robbery…