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Trump set to sign new 60-day immigration ban

United States President, Donald Trump, said in a tweet he would sign an Executive Order curbing immigration later on Wednesday, in a move he has said would protect US workers amid the economic fallout from the Coronavirus outbreak.

President Trump had, on Tuesday, said the new 60-day ban would apply to those seeking permanent residency, or “green cards,” to live in the United States, but not temporary workers.

While including some exemptions, the ban could be renewed for another 60 days or longer, he said, and a second order was also being considered.

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Some questions remained over the details of the order, the latest in a series of steps the Republican president has taken to clamp down on immigration, a signature election campaign issue that helped propel him to the White House in 2016.

The move could face obstacles, with some legal experts saying a broad, worldwide order curbing legal immigration would likely be challenged in court.

Critics have also said they view Trump’s new policy as an effort to distract from his response to the Coronavirus pandemic as he seeks re-election in November. (Hindustan Times)
