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Palpable poverty, a sign of end time – Cleric

.. Says pastors should be praying for President Buhari’s second tenure

Prophet Ayanfe Adebayo, is the prophet-in-charge of the Sacred EvangelicalChurch of Christ, Bethel Parish, Solution Centre, Ado-Ekiti, has urged clerics to support President Muhammadu Buhari’ s second term by always praying for him. While others blame the palpable poverty in the land on government’s ineptness, the cleric said, it was a sign of end-time.

From Priscilla Ofunre, Ado-Ekiti

Some men of God predicted the death and defeat of President Muhammadu Buhari in which the reverse played out. Does the failed predictions make them fake men of God?

What I can say to that is, the way we interpret revelations matters a lot. At times, in dreams and visions, God shows in parables, it now depends on the deep interpretation we give to it. I, as a prophet, I told my church that in this present regime, God told me that we prophets should be praying for President Buhari in this regime, for God to assist him to finish this regime. I am one of the prophets, praying for him. I am not into politics. I am not in the APC. I am not a party man. But, according to the scriptures, in the beginning of life, prophets were behind countries, nations. In states, we have kings and there will be a particular prophet, praying for that king. I don’t have anybody giving me something but, according to the word, I am one of those praying for him for God to assist him so that death or anything negative, which I cannot ascertain, will not overcome him. For those who predicted against Buhari, probably, they didn’t really know the actual meaning of the revelations. Like in my church, I told them, I don’t really know what will happen in this present regime, but I pray God will assist the president, because, we men of God, especially prophets, we don’t need to be going against a particular president, governor or anyone in positions of authority, but, ours is to always assist them in prayers, we should not have a negative opinion about them as it is God that has appointed them there, except God tells us that this or that person has been rejected by him, then, men of God will stop supporting such person.

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Should religious leaders and Christians be involved in politics?

Yes, we all should be partakers in politics. When God wanted to appoint Saul as the king over the Israelites, it was through Prophet Samuel and after Saul had been ordained, God didn’t tell Samuel to leave Saul and this is also applicable to many kings like that; each of them had their prophets. Spiritual leaders have always been, like prophetess Deborah, who led people to the warfront; she conquered, God granted her the victory. Before the English people came, we had kings ruling over our land. In politics, the way we religious leaders and Christians interrupt matter a lot, in the last elections, I told my members, it’s only one finger that we will use to vote, even though, some people used five, eight or ten of their fingers. We can’t fold our arms and sit down expecting outsiders to come vote for us.  We must belong to a party either directly or indirectly, how do I mean? Whether one likes it or not, one must vote for a party. As children of God we must be well-behaved and allow peace always to reign and flee from whatever criticisms because politics is a game, it is either one loses or one wins. In the book of Acts, Judas, the one who betrayed Jesus, after his exit, Peter gathered the disciples and did a replacement of Judas, there and then, between Mathias and one other person, the process of voting came up and the scriptures said, one person was voted in between the two. Now, if that voting exercise had not occurred, then, it wouldn’t be necessary for  Christians to vote, after the vote peace reigned and they tolerated one another. There was no conflict as to a particular person they wanted. Therefore, it is not a taboo for us to partake or vie for positions in politics if we do it in the right way.

The alarming rate of divorce in marriages, what do you think are the causes and what possible solutions?

In our church, we were taught by the General Overseer, Primate Peter Olatunji Rominiyi, that, for instance, when someone comes with the name of whom he/she wants to marry, the G.O tells the person to first go and search the life of the other and see the differences to know if they can cope physically, as so many pastors and prophets have been labelled liars. Now, ten marriages of ten years ago, let us go back to check the health of such marriages, probably only two of the ten are healthy, the remaining are suffering collapse. Don’t forget, they possibly went to men of God to ask if they could go ahead and marry each other, in which the man of God would have  prophesied, claiming there would be peace, wealth, happiness, children and so on and the same marriage is experiencing the opposite. Do we then see such man of God as a liar, or didn’t he receive the right message from God? No!

The necessary things and teachings are no longer in place. Our youths no longer go for counseling and marriage seminars. For instance, the courtship of a month, maybe the lady is so beautiful and or the man is so handsome, coupled with money,  then we have premature weddings and at the end, we blame those men of God who have joined us. My advice in this regard is that we should all go back and think, our fathers and mothers of old, what were the things they did that made their marriage last? We also should do some research on them and follow suit.  Another advice is prayers, Prayer is the key. Jesus started with prayers and ended with prayers. We the youths of these days we don’t pray; we rely our faith on pastors and prophets. The word of God says that “we are pastors and prophets of ourselves”. The bible says we are “small gods”. The bible says as part of the signs of end-time we have so many fake pastors and prophets, who herald themselves as true men of God.

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Churches get populated by the day, yet the acts of corruption and evil are not in anyway lessened, what do you think are responsible for this?

Like I earlier said that the bible says as signs of end-time “fake prophets shall rise, nations will rise against nations, fathers against sons and mothers against daughters”  all these are happening. There is nothing that can be done to eradicate all these because the end-time has come. The believers are, therefore, advised to know what they are doing. We now have marriage of same sex. Poverty is another sign of end-time. We believers (Christians and Muslims) should always ask God for mercy as the trumpet may sound at anytime. In the book of revelations, the angels want to blow the trumpet, but Jesus Christ has been interceding for us that we might have a positive heart and repent, because Jesus said He does not want the death of any sinner, but that he should repent and have life everlasting.

