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Do you feel uncomfortable with some of your heels lately? Are you blaming your age or weight for this development? Relax. Although any or both reasons may be responsible, you must get this clear that at a particular stage and age of a woman, she should desist from wearing any heel that is not balanced. Such heels will not give you comfort and your day may actually get spoilt especially where you think you met a disapproving gaze from any of your beholders.

But, hey! There is an option for you – the wedge shoes of course.  Wedge foot wears are shoes with heel running from the back to the middle or front of the shoe unlike other heels that only have a heel at the back bottom. From the 1930s when they have been existing, no one has ever gone wrong with them.

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Whether you are tall, short, big or slim, wedge shoes are the perfect option you need to overcome your fear of going long distance and long hours on heels.  Meanwhile, one fantastic thing about these shoes is that they are exceptionally fashionable and can fit into any kind of outing whether formal, semi formal or informal.

Health wise, this type of shoes goes beyond making you look gorgeous but will give good support to your body posture than stilettos. With them, you can be sure of no sprain or swollen ankle because there will be no sudden shift of feet or fall while walking. Just pick a colour, height and design of your choice and you will indeed rock your outing.
